
The easiest way to activate your supporters to share on-brand messaging.
A mobile version of Sharekitt displayed on a phone.

Launch a product, kick-off a campaign, or support a claws cause.

Whatever you're trying to promote,
people are the key.

Sharekitt makes it simple for employees, supporters, or fans to fuel your promotional efforts—all in a single tap.

A desktop version of Sharekitt showed on a laptop.
A mouse pointer icon

One click copy and paste

Supporters can share on any social platform, via email, text message, wherever.
Sharekitt is platform agnostic.

A shield icon, signifying security

No log-in required

No hoops for your network to jump through. You can distribute campaigns with a unique URL, or protect them with a password.

A bar graph icon

Easy analytics

Understand campaign performance without being a data scientist.

A mobile version of Sharekitt, calling out the analytics feature.

Give your campaign 9 lives

Most social advocacy platforms cost beaucoup bucks and are littered with unused features.

Basic Sharekitt access is free, and Sharekitt Plus is a wallet-friendly $9 a month
(see the difference here).

Unlock 99 days of Sharekitt Plus for free!

Sign-up for free access to our premium tier after we launch in early 2024.

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